Warren Consolidated School Central Registration Office
Office Hours: M-Th 9-3:30
The following information must be provided by the parent/legal guardian at the time of enrollment:
Photo I.D., such as a driver’s license, state I.D., or passport of the parent (if not US Citizen), or legal guardian will be copied.
To enroll a student in school, you MUST be the parent listed on the student’s birth certificate OR you MUST be the student’s legal guardian with official court documentation.
All utility bills MUST be tied to the home with the following requirements:
- 1. Name of resident must be listed on bill
- 2. Address of service must be listed on the bill
- 3. Must PROVIDE One (1) bill – examples accepted are DTE Energy, Consumers Energy, Cable TV, Internet, Satellite TV, Landline phone
Mortgage Statement – Accepted if CURRENT (2 months or less.)
Lease Agreement – CURRENT – Lease must be signed by landlord and tenant.
Residency Verification – If parent is not the homeowner, then BOTH parent and homeowner must be present at registration to complete a Residency Verification form and provide the following items:
Homeowner must provide One (1) CURRENT utility bill AND Driver’s License/State ID or Passport and current mortgage statement or current lease.
Parent must provide Driver’s License/State ID AND one (1) of the following showing homeowner’s current address: current bank or credit card statement, cell phone bill, doctor/dentist bill
Must provide student’s Certified birth certificate with raised seal, as required by law. A hospital registration certificate or certificate of live birth signed by a physician is not acceptable.
Requirements - click to view
Kindergarten students must provide record of vision and hearing screening.
Blood Relative – Appointment required with Pupil Services Department to complete an Affidavit of Parent/Guardian. Parent and relative must both be present at appointment.
Non-Blood Relative – Legal temporary or permanent guardianship with official court documentation.
HIGH SCHOOL ONLY – Unofficial transcript from previous school
Parent should bring most current IEP. Student’s start date determined by IEP.
If you cannot meet the above requirements, please contact the Student services Department at
586.698.4478 for assistance.
WCS Attendance Area
You must register for the school your address/street is assigned to. Click here to find your school.
Warren Consolidated Schools
Central Registration Office
Office Hours: M-Th 9-3:30
For families without internet access or access to an electronic devices, we offer enrollment kiosks at our central registration office
Thank you for choosing Warren Consolidated Schools.